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Friday, January 21, 2011

I come back, everyone is leaving

When I came back to my home city in December I found out two good friends had already left while I was in India, with more soon to be flying away to other exciting exotic lands.

Dreaming for a day where it's 0c..
It seems everyone who grows up here leaves eventually. I'm not sure if its because all my friends are very internationally focused (AIESEC anyone?) or because the weather here is terrible. Yes, it is true, the weather in Saskatoon reached a low of -43C yesterday. I remember talking to children in southern India who didn't believe me that it can get colder than freezing (0c), oh how I wish that were true..

Another friend I've known since high-school left this week on his own adventure to Holland!  I'm quire envious and would like to wish him the best of luck, may he find whatever it is he is, or isn't, looking for.

For those of you who have been reading this blog and are now traveling, I would love it if you were willing to share your own travel blog. Feel free to email me the link or add it in the comments section.

I've been compiling a small list of questions I've been asked which I will answer in a upcoming post. If you have anything you are curious about (whether it be on India, traveling solo, on a budget, or without planning) please email me and I'll be sure to answer it! If it's a 'bigger' question I may even commit an entire post towards answering it.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catchy sayings and thoughts

It's been a few weeks now since I arrived back in Canada but I can't stop thinking about India, traveling, and the people I met. I just wanted to share a couple things I heard while traveling that have stuck in my head.

During your first couple weeks in India the country will be an acronym.

..India as an acronym..
I was able to meet a variety of backpackers while in India. A good number of these people, usually the fresh arrivals, absolutely hated the country. The culture shock and different feelings for the country had caused fights between many couples and often caused others to arrange onward flights as soon as possible (for those who were doing an 'around-the-world' trip).

The key to enjoying India? 
     Lower your standards and keep an open mind!

Another saying I heard from someone in the group I traveled with for just over a month is still one of my favorites. He told me "It takes a brave man to fart in India". At first I didn't understand what he meant. Was it culturally insensitive to fart here? How could that be when there is, burning, garbage everywhere with people defecating in the middle of the street?

It took a while but I figured out what he meant.. Diarrhea! Oh yes, the famous 'delhi belly' that attacks so many travelers. The saying "It takes a brave man to fart in India" is a reminder that you don't always know if that fart is actually a fart.. I have seen the face of a man who thought he had a fart but got more than he was expecting. It was a look of fright, worry, and slight disgust. In Canada we call this little surprise the 'Shart'.

So remember this every time you want fart in India... 'Is it really worth the risk'?