It seems to be the first thing anyone says after finding out I'll be backpacking by myself for three months in India.. "Why would you want to go to India?!"
I still can't remember how I got idea of taking a semester off university to go backpacking in India got stuck in my head. I think it was a mix of wanting to break away from the norm mixed in with being fed up of everyone else always saying "I wish I could go 'here' and do 'this', but..." People have so many excuses for not going after things they say they want; whether it's laziness, not wanting to take the risk, or simply wanting to follow along with what others will consider normal I'll never quite understand.

I truthfully didn't think I would be able to afford to travel for three months. Although my family now supports the idea of me going to India, the financial burden is still 100% on me. When planning this trip I did something that isn't at all like me. First, I decide that I was going to India, end of story. I left figuring out exactly why and how until later on.
So why did I choose India? I'm still not completely sure. Maybe I wanted to do something different. Go somewhere exciting and life changing, rather than somewhere like home with a small twist. Maybe it was because I could afford either:
a) 3 weeks in Europe or b) 3 months in India.
When summer started there was only a few hundred dollars in my bank account, even less halfway through May after an AIESEC conference. Glad to say that I am now ahead of my savings schedule, which I'll be happy to share with you in the upcoming week.
India is only place in world where cultural values for all different cultures still exists. Probably best place to spend holidays with low expenses during your vacations.
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