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Monday, October 18, 2010

Arriving in Allepey

Vendor food on the train, doesn't look promising
Five of us arrived in Allepey after a long train ride in sleeper class. The fare was dirt cheap, less than $10 for a 17+ hour trip.Although the train smelt bad, was dirty and over crowded  I'm glad we decided to take it just for the experience. As a guy it was somewhat enjoyable getting to talk with other locals, but sleeper class isn't something I would recommend to women traveling alone as constant harassment is almost guaranteed.

Fire safety at its finest, water and sand

Allepey, the town we are staying at now, is a dirastic change from what we saw in Goa. In Goa it is easy to forget where you are since it is aimed at tourists. In Allepey I can't even makeout most signs and menus, almost everything in the city is written in sanskrit. The change in prices, for the most part, was a plesant supprise. Food here is half the price it was in Goa, but the price of beer has doubled or possibly trippled.

Last night the girls went off to the 'Jetty' to barter for a houseboat. The plan was to find a two nights three day trip through the backwaters of India stopping off at a couple of villages along the way.

We leave before noon today on what sounds like an amazing houseboat. The girls got them down to 19,000rs for a three day trip with 5 people, all the meals and snacks included.


Brett said...

Nice Headband.

Simon S said...

Ha ha, you know you like it. I rotate between that headband and my cowboy hat most days. I also just acquired an Indian cricket jersey yesterday.

p.s. I don't know if you can see it, but on the food container in that picture the cover is from 'Go Cat' cat food. There is a picture of a cat on the front and I couldn't tell when parts of the meat in the food were bone and which were just really crispy.

Unknown said...

So it was cat food?!?!

Simon S said...

I don't think so. It was a biryani, so it was rice and some mystery meat.

I tried to ask for chicken but it didn't look or taste like it. On the positive side, there are a lot worse things in India you could eat than cat food :)

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