Around supper time last night I received a phone call from from the Fedex delivery man. He had my package and was in Anjuna, Goa but had no idea where the hostel was. His heavy accent didn't help the matter and after refusing to meet up with me at Domino's, the most well known landmark in town, he quit abruptly hung up on me. I tried calling him back only to find out he shut off his phone.
External box was so beat up, thank god for the internal padding. |
Some of the simplest things, like having your mail delivered, can be so complicated in India where there are no real addresses. It is all dependent on how well your delivery man knows the area and how much effort he is willing to put into finding it.
Tony, the other Canadian at my hostel, joined us at ShoreBar later and told me that the Fedex man finally found our hostel on his little beat-up scooter and delivered the package just as he was leaving. My parcel was sitting on my bed waiting for me when I got back.
Note: I would just like to point out that it only took one day from the parcel to get from Canada, to the USA, to France, to India but then took over 5 days just to get across India.
Yay! Insulin!
Pleased that your insulin pump arrived but it was good for you to experience the old fashioned way of insulin shots and know you could do it if need to.
Am enjoying your blog......hope to get to India in the next few years so watching with interest on the costs of things. Also interested in how hard it is to get around on your own. Aloha
Glad to hear it finally got there! Phew
haha, thank you all. I was also very happy when my insulin pump had finally arrived.
To the anonymous writer, is is fairly easy to get around India on your own but it is more expensive. I arrived in India with the notion of traveling by myself but so far almost everyday has been spent with several other people, it's so easy to spot and start a conversation with other backpackers.
I'll write a short post towards the end of my trip of what I think of traveling solo at that point.
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