The journey to India was a long one, but atleast it was filled with some interesting people and moments. I met a couple in their 80's who were traveling from Minneapolis to Venice (Italy) where they first met. On the way to Amsterdam I sat beside a fellow who works for Porsche, we shared many interesting conversations during that 8 hour flight. Once I arrived in Amsterdam i was exhausted. I had barley slept the night before I left but didn't want to sleep now, that had to wait till Mumbai. Within a couple hours after my arrival in Amsterdam my flight to Mumbai started boarding.. I was the only western in slight. Before letting me on the plane they pulled me aside and started questioning me. Why was i traveling alone? where was I staying? Why was i sweating? For that last one I simply told him I was Canadian and found it oddly warm there. He then proceeded to take all my debit and creditcards then went off to consult with his coworker. They would talk, stop, then look over their shoulders at me before asking me more questions. They finally proceeded to let me though, after a full 360 degree ex-ray scan. (also, I have been physically searched at every airport including Saskatoons, what up with that?)
My flight to Mumbai was my first culture shock. Luckily I was seated with an Indian women, my age, who was very helpful in walking me through how to eat all the ethnic food they served during the flight.
Basic room @ Hotel New Bengal, 775rs.($18/night) |
I arrive in Mumbai with the notion that everyone is going to scam me in some way. I got a prepaid taxi to my hotel, the actual ride will have to be saved for another time. The hotel was somewhat disappointing at first. Clean, by Indian standards, but very basic. There are no bugs, but my walls are made of plywood. (and as i am typing this there goes the power.. again..)
Umm, caging at the top for ventilation? |
At the time of writing 'day-0' in my paper-form journal I was disappointed by Mumbai. As much as I first questioned why I would come to India i'm glad to know that has changed by the first 'real' day. (more on that next post)
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