I woke up around 5pm, not hungry even though it's been a while since I've ate, but thirsty. The thick Mumbai air sits on me like an unwanted blanket as I laid in my bed sweating profoundly. I had bought four 1L bottles of water the night before, for 15rs($0.30) each. I turned on my tv and then an odd music grew louder. At first i thought it was one of my neighbors playing music, but then with a loud BANG it became evident. There was a festival out on the street! I have arrived in Mumbai during their biggest 11 day festival, for the goddess Ganesh.
Pretty sure that's shaving cream. But they, whatever works. |
I ran out of my room to the common balcony area . This is were I ran into Nathan, he is from the UK(studying in Seattle) and was on my plane from Amsterdam to Mumbai the night before! We decided to go down to the street and getting a better view. It was my first experience crossing a busy street in Mumbai. Traffic weaved in and out swiftly, as did we, while crossing. We made it!
A Mumbai street, they are ALL busy.. |
On of the many groups I danced with! |
We followed those celebrating for a block then wondered off on our own down the crowed market streets. Several hours, and many memories later, i arrive back in my hostel. I will try to post pictures because there was so much more done today than i can explain in words. The locals are very friendly for the most part. I danced with several groups of indians who where eager to teach my their dancing on the streets.
After arriving back at the hostel I went for supper next door with Nathan. We ordered 'veg' dishes in an attempt to stop sickness, as i write this is has been a couple hours since I ate and i'm still feeling good.
Sorry for the lack of editing, but my netbook is about to die and I don't have an adapter to plug it in yet. Wait.. how will i set an alarm for tomorrow? Gah, so many things I took for granted back home.
Fireworks are everywhere, how is Mumbai not burnt down yet? |
I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but i look forward to finding out.
Hope all is well back home.
Hey Simon, looks like you've had some pretty interesting first days in India, and I can't wait to read all about the rest of your travels!! I'm not sure if you've covered this already, but I'm just curious why you chose India? I'm sure you've been asked that a million times but I'm just interested to know! Hope all is well and you have an amazing time!
I have no idea why I chose India. I can't believe how dirty and unstructured it is, nothing could have prepared me for this.
So far it's been a crazy ride, can't wait to see what's next.
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