The rain stopped early this afternoon and some new people had just checked into the hostel so we decided to take a road trip up to Old Goa.
Originally we jumped on a local bus but we grew inpatient with the contestant stopping and waiting for what seemed forever so we opted for a taxi halfway from Anjuna to Old Goa. Most of us are about a week in to traveling in India and thought it would be a good time to practice bartering with the taxi drivers. We ended up getting one, after turning down several others, for the same price locals would pay (around 12rs per km + 20rs per hour of waiting on us). Split between the four of us the taxi was really cheap.
On the way back we decided to stop at a beach along the way and starting drinking and eating out way back to the hostel. The final bar we stopped at had some of the worst, and though very entertaining, karaoke I've ever heard. Indian's seem to sing in a very monotone voice and the Indian gals where stumbling around the beach drunk after only one or so beers.

Not to sure what I'll be doing tomorrow but Goa is starting to grow on me. I will have to book a train ticket out of here soon or I may just stay here forever.
While you're in Anjuna, try the best italian restaurant there is: Basilico's.
Aquila, Netherlands
Thanks Aquila,
I'll have to ask around to see if it's open, or see if I've already ate there. If not, i'll definitely be checking it out before I leave here!
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